The Penn Psychedelics Collaborative and the Power of Interdisciplinary Connections
October 25, 2024
Featuring: Taylor Andrews Flatt, PMHNP, Victor Pablo Acero, Ph.D., Jackie Tileston, & Michael Baime, MD
As the spectrum of interest in psychedelics broadens more every day, interdisciplinary connections become more important than ever. What is the Penn Psychedelics Collaborative?

As the spectrum of interest in psychedelics broadens more every day, interdisciplinary connections become more important than ever. What is the Penn Psychedelics Collaborative?
In this episode, Joe interviews 4 members of the team: Co-Founder, Taylor Andrews Flatt, PMHNP; Associate Director, Victor Pablo Acero, Ph.D.; Professor in Fine Arts and Co-Director of the Weitzman School of Design, Jackie Tileston; and Executive Director and Director of the Penn Program for Mindfulness, Michael Baime, MD.
Recorded earlier this month at the PhilaDelic conference – one of the primary initiatives of the PPC – they discuss their paths to psychedelics and why this transdisciplinary collection of faculty, researchers, and clinicians at the University of Pennsylvania was so necessary. Viewing psychedelics from different perspectives (Flatt from nursing, Acero from bioengineering, Tileston from the art and mysticism side of things, and Baime from a more mindfulness point of view), their group is a case study in collaboration – a place where connections can be catalyzed and shared goals can be addressed from different angles. How far can we go when different groups start working together?
They discuss:
- The concept of psychedelics not just being used to treat conditions, but to make us healthier
- Psychedelic art and the idea of the art itself being psychoactive rather than just representations of trips
- The work of David Glowacki and bringing about non-ordinary states of consciousness through VR
- Research into salvia being used to alleviate stroke symptoms
- How a lack of funding can really create focus
and more!
Upenn.edu: Mystics and visionaries: A fine arts seminar
Glow-wacky.com (David Glowacki)
Nih.gov: Therapeutic Potential of Salvinorin A and Its Analogues in Various Neurological Disorders