Intention, Making Space for Integration, and Finding Joy in the Mundane
September 24, 2024
Featuring: Lana Pribic, M.Sc, CPC
With so much attention being placed on the psychedelic experience itself, too many people are getting stuck in patterns of chasing the experience without making space for integration.

With so much attention being placed on the psychedelic experience itself, too many people are getting stuck in patterns of chasing the experience without making space for integration.
In this episode, Kyle interviews Lana Pribic, M.Sc: host of the Modern Psychedelics podcast, certified professional life coach, and founder of Kanna Wellness.
She talks about her early days of rave culture and MDMA, to exploring other substances, to where she is today: finding joy in the simple things in life, embracing recreational psychedelics, and continuously working on herself while understanding that psychedelic experiences are not the be-all, end-all medicine, and that taking space to integrate learned lessons is where the true potential lies. She recognizes that many of us set out to heal trauma or work on something specific, but often get caught in a “healing trap,” where a victim energy ends up holding us back – and keeps us coming back. When is the healing done? When do these experiences become a habit or escape? What are we not integrating?
She discusses:
- The “7 levels of energy” framework she uses with clients
- How she works with clients who return to unhealthy patterns after a big experience
- The judgment of the psychedelic space, both for people who stop using psychedelics and for people who return to the well perhaps too often
- Her relationship with her mother and how her mother’s cancer treatment inspired her to create Kanna Wellness
- How much of a factor acceptance is in finding joy in the mundane
and more!
Serving Canada (for now), Kannawellness.com just launched, and features kanna extract eight times more potent than what is on the market today. If you’re curious, use code PT10 at checkout for 10% off your order!
Modern Psychedelics on Spotify
PT308 – Dr. Ido Cohen, PsyD – Vital Psychedelic Conversations
Ipeccoaching.com: Unpacking the 7 Levels of Energy: A Path to Deeper Self-Awareness
PT271 – Jeremy Narby, Ph.D. – Anthropology, Ayahuasca, and Plant Teachers
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path, by Jack Kornfield
You Were Never Broken, by Jeff Foster
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