
Depth Psychology, Archetypal Energies, and How Psychedelics Reveal the Soul

May 17, 2024
Featuring: Simon Yugler

In this episode, Kyle interviews Simon Yugler: psychedelic-assisted therapist, educator, and author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair, which comes out this fall.

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In this episode, Kyle interviews Simon Yugler: psychedelic-assisted therapist, educator, and author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair, which comes out this fall.

He digs into depth psychology and why it’s a beneficial framework for navigating non-ordinary experiences – a practice he believes will be the next focus in psychedelic education and understanding, alongside more analysis into the archetypes and myths that reside within (and all around) us. In an age of hyper-individualism and isolation, the stories and archetypal energies we share (which can be brought more to the forefront with psychedelics) can be incredibly healing and connecting.

He discusses:

  • The challenges of reintegrating to reality after the classic Hero’s Journey, and how some people don’t want to
  • The time he ate 7 grams of strong mushrooms and nothing happened, confirming to him the omnipresence of trickster energies
  • Jung’s theory on individuation, and how true individuation actually creates deeper engagement with the world
  • How myths offer windows into deeper realms, and a breakdown of his Mythopoetic Integration Method
  • How psychedelics show us our souls, and how so much of the chaos in the world can be related to a denial of the soul

and more!


Pre-order Psychedelics and the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair, by Simon Yugler

What Is Depth Psychology and How Does It Relate to Psychedelics? by Simon Yugler

What Is the ‘Collective Unconscious’ and How Can It Help Us Understand Psychedelic Experiences? by Simon Yugler

PT291 – Rick Tarnas & Sean Kelly, Ph.D. – The Impact of Stanislav Grof, Ego Death, and The Psyche Unbound

PT293 – Stanislav & Brigitte Grof – The Evolution of Breathwork and The Psychology of the Future

Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, by Richard Tarnas

The Origins of Creativity, by Edward O. Wilson

*Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that Psychedelics Today will receive a percentage of the sale

Simon Yugler

In this Episode

Simon Yugler

With a masters in depth counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, Simon Yugler is an internationally experienced psychedelic therapist, educator, and the author of the book, Psychedelics & the Soul: A Mythic Guide to Psychedelic Healing, Depth Psychology, and Cultural Repair. He has taught for five psychedelic facilitator training programs, including Naropa University and Inner Trek. Simon draws on his diverse experience traveling across the world and learning from Indigenous cultures, including the Shipibo ayahuasca tradition and the Native American Church. For a year and a half, he routinely served as a retreat leader with MycoMeditations, a leading psilocybin therapy retreat center in Jamaica. Prior to becoming a therapist, he served as an experiential educator and guide, leading immersive study-abroad journeys for young adults across 10 countries. Based on the land now called Portland, Oregon, Simon is passionate about helping his clients navigate the liminal wilds of the soul.

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